I always tell people who ask me about seasonal work absolutely do it. Doesn’t matter what age, or where you’re from. If you have a love of nature, adventure, travel, and meeting the most awesome people, then take the dive.
I always tell people who ask me about seasonal work absolutely do it. Doesn’t matter what age, or where you’re from. If you have a love of nature, adventure, travel, and meeting the most awesome people, then take the dive.
I fell for Yosemite hard. The winter sparkles in the Sierra Nevada. The summer smells of Bay Laurel, duff and smoke. Happiness can be fleeting and contentment can be elusive, but I found more of each in Yosemite than anywhere else.
It was a load off my shoulders to realize I didn’t have to trudge through the traditional office work routine. I looked through a lot of Conservation Corps work opportunities on CoolWorks, which led me back to – you guessed it – wildland fire!
The jokes of leaving our lives behind have been replaced with jokes about going back to what we had before discovering seasonal work. On top of getting paid to vacation, seasonal work has helped us get control of our finances, as most places offer free/inexpensive housing with utilities included,…
Being far from the noises of crowds and having some pretty epic scenery are just a tiny slice of the pie. I feel my ideas and aspirations unfolding in a different way and out here there’s no hiding from that. Solitude encourages me to reflect.
Four years ago, CoolWorks changed my life with my very first seasonal job, so much that here I am still in love with working seasonal jobs in the National Parks, and I never want to go back to the life that I had before. These experiences have given me…
When contemplating whether or not to begin on a path of seasonal work, it became clear to me that I wanted to travel and work with like-minded people that speak my language – the language of wanderlust. In 2010, a life-changing opportunity occurred that I couldn’t ignore.
When the season ends, I plan to get another seasonal job and experience another magical place. I used to feel trapped, longing for an adventure I didn’t know how to obtain. I now feel free.
I can do a job anywhere in the world and get to know any…
When strangers ask me how I came to work in Death Valley, I lie.
I’m not ashamed of the truth; I just know that it’s not what a family of bright-eyed tourists wants to hear over breakfast. Like a lot of parkies, my pilgrimage to the middle of nowhere…