It was mid-January when a post popped up on my screen. “What is this!?!” I had retired from a flight attendant career five years earlier and to say I was itching for some excitement would be an understatement.
I applied to be a barista at Many Glacier Hotel. They replied that I had missed hiring for summer. July came along, and I received a phone call: “How soon could you come?”
I had never spent much time in mountainous states. I came from Iowa, and I felt I had been dropped from the sky into an unbelievable scene. I still can’t believe my first sight of Glacier National Park; I couldn’t stop smiling! I awoke every morning to beautiful sunrises because I was blessed to start the coffee at a historic Lodge, Many Glacier Hotel at Heidi’s, an iconic coffee and snack shop.
It was the last Hoorah because the hotel was scheduled for a two-year renovation. I met coworkers from all over the world. I had a summer of Hootenannys, kayaks, horseback riding, and hiking to see the last existing glaciers. I saw bears, mountain goats moose, and big horn sheep every day. It was like summer camp for grownups, with a little mischief thrown in. It was fun!
I left at the end of the season and I was hooked! I applied for retail at Big Sky ski resort – back to Montana! I was drawn to move to Montana to experience that lifestyle. I have spent a year exploring around Flathead Lake. Next, I decided to do another work vacation, this time in Yellowstone Park this summer for five months. I had researched many choices on CoolWorks again from Alaska to San Juans, and I quickly chose Yellowstone when the opportunity presented itself. I expect more wildlife to photograph and more hiking and exploring.
I tell everyone to jump at the chance to have a work vacation if you can, and will give you choices all over the world. GET OUT THERE!
P.S. I went on to Grand Tetons, Jackson Lake Lodge and a ranch in NM, Vermejo Park Ranch, now going back to Glacier Park on the West side😁cannot wait! To see those soaring beautiful mountains😁
Donna Montgomery April 11, 2018
Hi Donna…what an awesome journey you had. I just recently retired and have been wanting to do something like this as well. My boyfriend and I are set to travel 12 weeks starting in May. I am hoping to find an adventure with coolworks next year for Bob and I. Have you heard of any opportunities for couples to work in same location?
Therese Groomes April 24, 2019